You are going to have a go at creating a model box using things you might have at home. To begin with, you will need a corner of cardboard. A section from a cereal box or pizza box will work well, or you can use tape to stick two pieces of cardboard together.

You are going to create a 3D collage using any resources you might have to hand. You could use images from old magazines or newspapers, foil, colouring pens – whatever you like. If you are feeling confident you could even create 3D set items to include in your design. Here is an example of a completed model box for inspiration:

It’s really important that your collage communicates what you think the final design should look like. You must be able to back up every choice – remember that details are important. Your moodboard and costume design can help inform your choices.
Don’t worry if you don’t have access to the resources listed above. You could always draw your design in your notebook. Here is an example of a sketched design for inspiration:

Remember, this isn’t about your drawing or making skills. This exercise is all about communicating your ideas as a designer.
If you like, you could also consider what kind of performance space you’d like to design for. Is your design for a black box studio, The Old Vic stage, or maybe somewhere site specific, like a car park or a forest? This is important for designers to consider, so they can make sure their design fits the scale of the playing space and any technical limitations that might be placed on the design. For example, if your set is going to be outside will it survive the rain?
Thank you for taking part in our Introduction to Design workshop. We hope you found it useful and that you had fun putting together your own set and costume designs. We’d love to know how you got on. You can reach out via social media @oldvictheatre #OVJoinIn to let us know what you thought of the workshop, and share your designs.
If you’re interested in finding out more about design you can download our free Inside guide to set design pack which contains interviews with designers at different stages of their careers, further exercises to help you on your design journey and links to opportunities.
Writer/presenter: Helen Coyston
Videography and editing: Olyvon
Writer (Eating Myself): Pepa Duarte
Graphic design: Matt Hodges