Below is an extract from a play called Eating Myself by Pepa Duarte that you can use for the following exercise. Alternatively, you could use a piece of text of your own choosing for this exercise.
Start by reading through the extract once to make sure you understand it and then read it through again to help you answer the questions below.
Your answers to these questions will form the backbone to your design, but remember – there is no one right answer. Each designer will be drawn to different things in a story. It’s all about your individual artistic interpretation.
- Who is the main character? What do we learn about them?
- Where does the action take place?
- In which time period do you think this scene takes place?
- Are there references to a location or any physical objects, costume, props?
- What is your emotional response to the extract?
This information is going to form the basis of your design concept. Your job as a designer is to communicate this information through your visual choices.