You will need to find a dark space for this exercise. If you have a friend or family member to help you, place them in the centre of the space and try positioning your torch, lamp, or phone torch in different locations to see what impact it might have on how an audience would perceive this person. If you don’t have a friend or family member to hand you could use an object instead.
Once you have had a go with different positions and feel confident with using lighting to create different moods, see if you can achieve the following atmospheres by placing your light in different places:
- A spooky atmosphere.
- A romantic atmosphere.
- A tragic atmosphere.
Think about the following colours:
- Red
- Green
- Blue
Write down everything these three colours represent to you. Think about feelings, places, times of day, characters and symbolism.
Once you have compiled your list, do some research online to find out what these colours mean in different cultures or different contexts and add to your list. Keep a hold of your list as it will come in handy in the next section.